Translations From The Chinese by Arthur Waley, Chinese Poetry, 1941 Vintage Poetry by LiteraryAntiques

32.00 USD

Translations From The Chinese by Arthur Waley
Illustrated by Cyrus Le Roy Baldridge
Published 1941
325 pages
Length: 11 inches Width: 7.5 inches Height: 2 inches

This beautiful vintage collection of Chinese poetry is in decent condition. The red hardcover has a few spots of discoloration here and there and the spine is slightly faded. The pages, texts and illustrations are nicely kept. This book comes with a protective cardboard case. The spine of that case is ripped. Please see photos for reference.

This book would make a great gift or addition to a collection for the lover of poetry.

"The Chinese poet has a tendency different but analogous. He recommends himself not as a lover, but as a friend. He poses as a person of infinite leisure (which we should most like our friends to possess) and free from worldly ambitions )which constitutes the greatest bars to friendship). He would have us think of him as a boon companion, a great drinker of wine, who will not disgrace a social gathering by quitting it sober." -from the preface

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