The Golden Gems of Life, Published 1887, by S. C. Ferguson, Inspirational Book, Book of Wisdom by LiteraryAntiques

48.00 USD

The Golden Gems of Life; or Gathered Jewels of the Home Circle
S. C. Ferguson and E. A. Allen
Published 1887


This beautiful compilation of quotes touches on all aspects of life. It is filled with tidbits of gold; each excerpt carefully chosen.

"The design of this work is to rouse to honorable effort those who are wasting their time and energies through indifference to life's prizes. In the furtherance of this aim the authors have endeavored to gather from all possible sources the thoughts of those wise and earnest men and women who have used their pens to delineate life and its possibilities, its joys and its sorrows.
Their hope is that they might be able to rouse in the minds of the careless a sense of the value of existence."


This book has clearly been passed down for its wisdom and inspiration through the ages. The front hardboard is detached from the spine. There are a couple loose pages, but the rest of the book is intact. A previous owners name is inscribed. Overall, the text and illustrations are in good condition, though the book should be handled with care.

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