Stories of American Discoverers For Little Americans by Rose Lucia, 1910 Antique Illustrated Children's Book, Rare Antiquarian Book by LiteraryAntiques

28.00 USD

Stories of American Discoverers For Little Americans
by Rose Lucia
Published 1910

This scarce antiquarian book is in wonderful condition for its age. There is very minimal wear and discoloration on the hardcover. Some slight fraying at the top of the spine. The pages, text and illustrations are vibrant and clear. There is an inscription as well as a stamp on the first page.

From the preface:
"The study of history is not ordinarily enjoyed by children. This is perhaps due to the fact that the text-book employed is dull, or that the subject is not of interest to the teacher presenting it, or to the fact that the pupil's previous experience with the primary grade history stories has not been such as to create any desire for fuller knowledge of the subject.
Now and then a girl or a boy is found to whom the study appeal, who sees the plan of action, who delights in the carrying out of large and small designs, to whom accidents have their meanings. Such a pupil has a mind for more than dry facts. He seizes upon the romance of the situation, whether it be in the case of Columbus with his handful of men crossing an unknown sea, or in the case of the last political campaign. It is in the hope of helping more minds to attain this condition that these stories have been written."

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