Lock, Stock and Barrel: The Story of Collecting, 1944 Vintage First Trade Edition Collecting History, Book For Collectors, Collectible Books by LiteraryAntiques

18.00 USD

Lock Stock and Barrel: The Story of Collecting
by Douglas and Elizabeth Rigby
Published 1944
J.B Lippincott Company
First Trade Edition

This wonderful vintage book is in good condition. There is normal wear to the hardcover but the pages and illustrations are clear and clean. This would make an excellent gift or an exciting read for any collector!

"When the collector reads this book, as we hope he will, he will be reading about the long line of his ancestors, about history and the part he plays in making it. He may sometimes have wondered about that rowdy gang, the souvenir-snatchers, who pass themselves off as collectors. He may have wagged his head over the "magpie" and "warehouse" collectors, his backward brothers. They are here; but so are the great collectors, men and women to whom the world owes and infinite debt of gratitude. So, too, are the vast numbers of everyday collectors, not only of this age but of ages that have gone before."

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