It Can't Happen Here by SIncliar Lewis, 1935 First Edition, What Will Happen When America Has A Dictator by LiteraryAntiques

246.00 USD

It Can't Happen Here: What Would Happen If America Had A Dictator?
Sinclair Lewis
First Edition

This groundbreaking rare first edition book is perhaps even more relevant now that when it was originally published. The dustjakcet is present with a little wear and tear and the hardcover has been preserved nicely. The pages are slightly tanned and there is an inscription of the previous owners name dated 1942. Other than that, the book has stood up quite well against the test of time.

After the 2016 presidential election of Donald Trump, sales of It Can't Happen Here surged and Penguin classics released a new edition. Many people drew a parallel between the books elected president turned dictator and Trump.

This book would make a spectacular condition to any collection!

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