European Rooms In Miniature by Mrs. James Ward Thorne, 1962 The Art Institute Of Chicago by LiteraryAntiques

11.00 USD

This beautiful book full of stunning pictures is in great condition.

"THIS SERIES OF MINIATURE ROOMS, illustrating various phases and types of European interior decorative design since the sixteenth century, was created by Mrs. Thorne after many years of experiment and experience.
They were first exhibited in the Art Institute of Chicago in 1937 and attracted wide attention as one of the most popular exhibitions in the Golden Gate International Exposition, San Francisco, in 1939 and the World's Fair of 1940 in New York City.
In order that it might continue to fulfill its educational purpos e as widely as possible, this series was presented by Mrs. Thorne to the Art Institute of Chicago in 1941 and has since been widely circulated through the museums of the country."

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