Burl by Morrison Heady, Published 1888 Antique Rare Book, Rare Books, Antique Books by LiteraryAntiques

240.00 USD

Burl by Morrison Heady
Published 1888


This rare book is in good condition for its age. There is some wear and tear on the ornately decorated hard cloth cover. There is and inscription dated 1907, "To Edward Shipp, From Mother".
The pages and text are in fine reading condition.


Born in Spencer County Kentucky in 1829, James Morrison Heady, commonly referred to as Morrison, lost all of his sight by the age of sixteen and his hearing by the age of 40.
Undeterred by the loss of his vision and hearing, Heady became well known for his inventions, writing, storytelling, advocacy, and role in the creation of the American Printing House for the Blind.

By the time Heady died in 1915 he had invented the Diplograph Embossing Typewriter, the Self-Opening Gate, and the Talking Glove to help him overcome the limitations of his blindness and later deafness. He was also an accomplished musician, a published composer, and author of poetry, novels, and children's stories.


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